Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence 1511 Third Avenue, Suite 433 Seattle, WA 98101

What We Do

WSCADV is the leading voice to end domestic violence in Washington State. We improve how communities respond to domestic violence and are working to create a world where all people can live and love freely without fear. Our work includes:

  • supporting our member programs,
  • visionary leadership,
  • engaging the public.

Founded in 1990 by survivors and their allies, WSCADV is a non-profit 501(c)3 network of domestic violence programs. Our member programs work tirelessly across the state to help survivors towards safety and freedom.


The Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence mobilizes our member programs and allies to end domestic violence through advocacy and action for social change.

Principles of Unity

The Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence affirms the right of each person to live without fear or the threat of violence. We oppose the use of violence as a means of control. We recognize that oppression in the form of racism, sexism, classism, anti-Semitism, ageism, imperialism, heterosexism, and oppression of persons with disabilities, creates a climate of supremacy and ownership which enables domestic and sexual violence. We recognize that religious beliefs and practices are matters of personal conscience and individual choice. Therefore, no member shall promote or discourage a particular religious belief in the course of her/his work. We believe that all women have the right to autonomy and self-determination regarding all sexual and reproductive matters, lifestyles, finances, education and employment. We encourage the leadership of women in making policy and program decisions.

If you do not see your apartment complex call 211 and ask for local Community Action Agency’s phone number
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