NORTHWEST FAMILY SERVICES 6200 SE King Road Portland, OR 97222
Resource Category : EmploymentGeneralHealth
Phone Number : 503-546-6377

Northwest Family Services supports family stability, child well-being, and victims of crime by focusing on the social determinants of health. Since 1983, NWFS has worked to reduce poverty through health, education, employment, and social justice services. Programs and services include health and social service navigation, culturally specific women and children’s shelter who have experienced violence, youth prevention and intervention programs, outpatient alcohol and drug treatment, coalition support for drug free communities, support for youth and families affected by incarceration, youth education and employment success, restorative justice, mental health services, job readiness and placement, couple’s classes, parenting, healthy relationship education, and more. Services are offered in the greater Portland-Salem metro area in both English and Spanish

Other - if you do not see your apartment complex call 211 and ask for your Community Action Agency’s phone number in Multnomah County
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