Call to Safety provides a comprehensive 24/7 crisis line, follow-up advocacy for survivors, support groups, community outreach and education, and sexual assault medical advocacy.  We can support crisis line callers in any language through our international language bank, and connect survivors to local culturally-specific resources or co-advocacy. Call to Safety advocates provide every caller with a needs assessment, peer support, safety planning, crisis intervention, and information and referrals to community resources. Our advocates work with specific populations to provide culturally relevant and specialized services for survivors experiencing houselessness, survivors with developmental and intellectual disabilities, survivors that identify as LGBTQ+, and survivors that experience mental illness. All of our advocates are trained to support sex workers. Sexual assault advocacy provides specialized services to survivors of sexual assault.


Other - if you do not see your apartment complex call 211 and ask for your Community Action Agency’s phone number in Multnomah County
Spruce Park
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