Valley Family Medicine Clinic 3915 Talbot Rd S, Ste 401 Renton, WA 98055
County : King, WA
Resource Category : Health
Phone Number : 425.690.3445

Valley Family Medicine Clinic consists of a team of family physicians and staff dedicated to providing you and your family the best primary care medical services possible. So just what is a family physician? A family physician is a doctor who specializes in you and your family, who strives to know you well, understand your values, and help you get what you want out of life without being sidelined by illness.

Family doctors take care of everyone in the family: babies, toddlers, teens, adults (both young and not so young), and pregnant women. In order to care for so many different types of people, they have to know how to provide a wide range of services. In addition to helping their patients with their common medical illnesses, they also give prenatal care, deliver babies, and provide preventive services including all vaccines from birth to 99+ years of age.

At Valley Family Medicine Clinic, the family doctors can perform minor skin procedures, vasectomies, IUD insertion (and removal), flexible sigmoidoscopy, and colposcopy. They also continue to care for their patients who need hospitalization at Valley Medical Center or need to transition into a nursing home. They also make house calls.

One of the key beliefs at Valley Family Medicine Clinic is that it is better to prevent illness than to wait until after someone becomes ill. So the Valley Family Medicine Clinic team focuses on helping patients eat right, exercise, and give up smoking and other unhealthy habits. However, when an illness does strike, someone from your care team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to provide fast and effective care. Unfortunately, some conditions, such as diabetes or heart failure, cannot be cured. For people struggling with these diseases, extra attention is given to help keep the body and spirit in balance and maximize the potential for a long and productive life.

Valley Family Medicine Clinic is the clinic operated by Valley Medical Center’s Family Medicine Residency. The residency program is affiliated with theUniversity of Washington School of Medicine, rated the best primary care medical school in the United States since 1993. The physicians at Valley Family Medicine Clinic come from all over the country, attracted by the residency’s commitment to provide the best possible care to you. Since they are backed by the residency, doctors in Valley Family Medicine Clinic’s practice can spend more time with you, quickly access the most up-to-date medical knowledge, and obtain instant input from pharmacists, psychologists, geriatricians, or UW faculty physicians as needed. Does that really make our services better? You bet it does! Valley Family Medicine Clinic’s diabetes management, smoking cessation, and child vaccine rates exceed the national and regional averages, and the doctors’ low C-section delivery rates “exceed best practices.”

We are proud to serve you, your family, and the community in which we all live.

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