Rocky’s Senior Nutrition programs include Senior Commodities, Meals on Wheels and Senior Transportation. Rocky’s Nutrition staff manages the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) in Lewis & Clark, Broadwater, Powell, Meagher and Jefferson Counties. Through CSFP, senior citizens can receive regular allocations every other month of free food to supplement their own food purchases. Locations for pickup vary among the communities that RMDC serves, but are publicized locally. Commodities often include canned fruit, vegetables, meals, juice, cereals, dry milk, evaporated milk, cheese, pasta, beans, and peanut butter. Meals on Wheels delivers hot, nutritious meals Monday through Friday to seniors 60 and over who are home bound or having trouble preparing their own meals due to a disabling physical, emotional, or environmental condition. Rocky also provides free transportation for Helena area senior citizens within Helena city limits participating in the following Rocky programs: Helena Senior Center, Daily Dinner Club, Senior Companion Program, Foster Grandparent Program, Retired & Senior Volunteer Program and Area IV Agency on Aging.