DSHS Lynnwood CSO (Alderwood) 20311 52nd Ave W. Suite 100 Lynnwood, WA 98036

For public assistance services like Basic Food benefits, TANF, medical assistance, Working Connections, Child Support services, or drug and alcohol treatment.

Food and Meals: Application process for EBT

TANF: Apply for TANF (Temporary Aid for Needy Families)

HEN and ABD: Apply for Housing and Essential Needs as well as Aged, Blind Disabled Benefits.

Energy Assistance: Only provides bill assistance for families that are eligible for or already receiving TANF and meets additional requirements. Bring utility bill and income documentation to DSHS M-F 8am-3pm to apply. Can apply once per lifetime. Diversion Cash Assistance (DCA) is up to $1250 for eligible families that do not need ongoing monthly cash assistance. AREN is an additional one-time $750 towards bills if you already receive TANF. Contact or stop by DSHS for more information. *For most current funding information caller must contact DSHS directly
