For public assistance services like Basic Food benefits, TANF, medical assistance, Working Connections, Child Support services, or drug and alcohol treatment.
Food and Meals: Application process for EBT
TANF: Apply for TANF (Temporary Aid for Needy Families)
HEN and ABD: Apply for Housing and Essential Needs as well as Aged, Blind Disabled Benefits.
Energy Assistance: Only provides bill assistance for families that are eligible for or already receiving TANF and meets additional requirements. Bring utility bill and income documentation to DSHS M-F 8am-3pm to apply. Can apply once per lifetime. Diversion Cash Assistance (DCA) is up to $1250 for eligible families that do not need ongoing monthly cash assistance. AREN is an additional one-time $750 towards bills if you already receive TANF. Contact or stop by DSHS for more information. *For most current funding information caller must contact DSHS directly